1.Critical Past 影片庫
1.Critical Past 影片庫
2.Taipics.com 照片庫 (by 馬克龍、魏明智 )
Two expats have built a website that provides a wealth of information on Taiwan’s past. Marc Plumb and David Reid showcase a collection of at least 4,600 vintage photos on the site, with each picture telling a story of how Taiwan became the vibrant island it is today.
Do any of these places seem familiar to you? Take a closer look, and you may recognize some of them. This is Taipei’s Dihua Street and this is Renai Circle, in vintage style.
這些地方看起來很眼熟嗎? 再看一次,你可能就認得出來。這裡是迪化街,而這個是仁愛圓環,不過,這是古典版的台北街景。
Taiwan is full of culture, yet not everyone is aware of how it became the vibrant place it is today. Marc Plumb and David Reid are two local expatriates. They decided to launch a website that tells stories of the past few decades in Taiwan.
台灣的文化豐富,不過卻不是所有人,都了解它是如何演變成現今這充滿活力的地方。兩位住在台灣的外籍朋友馬克龍 (Marc Plumber) 與魏明智 (David Reid),決定設立網站,用相片訴說台灣的故事。
Marc Plumb
Taiwan Pictures Digital Archive
It’s really hard to find historical books or movies or anything on Taiwan. And I just started to collect them for myself because I like Taiwan history.
Taiwan Pictures Digital Archive
It’s really hard to find historical books or movies or anything on Taiwan. And I just started to collect them for myself because I like Taiwan history.
[[台灣古典照檔案庫 馬克龍]]
Plumb has a few favorite spots in Taipei. The site where the Shin Kong Life Tower stands is one of them. Over 60 years ago, it was the Railway Hotel.
Marc Plumb
Taiwan Pictures Digital Archive
It was one of the most important hotels in Taiwan. In 1945, boom, American military air force just bombed it.
Taiwan Pictures Digital Archive
It was one of the most important hotels in Taiwan. In 1945, boom, American military air force just bombed it.
[[台灣古典照檔案庫 馬克龍]]
The National Taiwan Museum is another site that provides old world charm in the modern city.
Marc Plumb
Taiwan Pictures Digital Archive
It’s actually kind of neat the way a lot of old places now have been restored.
Taiwan Pictures Digital Archive
It’s actually kind of neat the way a lot of old places now have been restored.
[[台灣古典照檔案庫 馬克龍]]
Plumb says he appreciates the modernization in Taiwan today, but the vintage side of the island is an important part of what makes it such a fun place to be.
3.費德廉教授(Douglas L. Fix)的 19世紀台灣影像網站
"美國加州大學柏克萊分校歷史博士,現為理德學院(Reed College)歷史系教授,主要教授東亞史與人類學。費德廉大學時期在台灣留學,曾就讀於台灣大學歷史系,對台灣的歷史及地理環境有深刻的理解,自十餘年前即開始系統性地搜集並研究十九世紀末西洋人對台灣的記載,並經營「福爾摩沙:十九世紀的圖像」(academic.read.edu/formosa 此連結失效,以上面為準)網站,目前已達一百多篇,可說是目前研究十九世紀後半葉西洋人對台灣描述最完整且詳盡的人。"
4.臺灣歷史圖像網路資源 Internet image resources in Taiwan's history (內含各種圖文資源彙整的協作平台)
6.臺灣國定古蹟編纂研究小組(National Historic Monuments of Taiwan)臉書粉絲專頁